X Financial Technologies

Alexander Reed. [insert summary here]


Closed-end fund managers and investors face serveral challenges:


How X Protocol Works

XFT utilizes tokenization and oracles to create a creation and redemption mechanism akin to ETFs.

Closed-End Funds

Creation Flow

  1. Demand Assessment: Identify investor demand for additional fund shares.
  2. Asset Procurement: APs or the fund itself acquires assets aligned with the fund's strategy.
  3. Token Issuance: Corresponding tokens are issued against these assets, either by the fund manager or through APs.
  4. Token Distribution: APs distribute newly issued tokens on the market.

Redemption Flow

  1. Token Submission: Investors submit their tokens for redemption.
  2. Asset Disbursement: The underlying assets or their cash equivalent are disbursed in USDC to the redeeming token holder.
  3. Token Burning: The redeemed tokens are destroyed or removed from circulation.
  4. Payout: Investors receive asset shares or cash equivalent.

Real Estate Investment Trusts

Creation Flow

  1. Demand Increase: Investors express interest in buying REIT tokens.
  2. Asset Acquisition: APs buy real estate assets or existing REIT shares.
  3. Token Issuance: Assets transferred to a trust; equivalent tokens issued to APs.
  4. Token Sale: APs sell newly issued tokens on the market.

Redemption Flow

  1. Token Submission: Investors decide to redeem tokens.
  2. Asset Exchange: Tokens are exchanged for underlying real estate assets or cash value.
  3. Token Burning: Redeemed tokens are destroyed or retired.
  4. Payout: Investors receive asset shares or cash equivalent.