XFT API Interface

Live Server

Account Management

Token Management

Trading and Transactions

Wallet Management

NAV Calculation and Arbitrage

Compliance and Reporting

Escrow Operations

Liquidity Management

Compliance and KYC



Data and Analytics

Orchestration and Issuance

Proof of Reserves

Proof of Compliance

Regulatory Compliance Management

Asset Compliance Wrapping

Consolidated Tape

Monitoring and Reporting

API Management

Support and Miscellaneous


User Management

Account and Funds Management

Tokenized CFD Management


Market Data

Notifications and Alerts

Risk Management

XFT's API interface plays an important role in creating a frictionless experience for our users. We have developed a set of endpoints that abstract direct blockchain interaction and have integrated all necessary services for our customers. Our goal is to remove the learning curve for developers AND traders unfamiliar with blockchain technology.

Please refer our API Reference and Documentation for more information. Contact alex@alexandros-securities.com with any questions/feedback.